Emily Bryson ELT

Module 1: Build your Visual Vocabulary


This is the first in my Graphic Facilitation for ELT Professionals series.

It will teach you how to draw essential visual vocabulary to communicate clearly with your English language learners.

The course has 12 demo videos plus reflection tasks.

You will also receive access to the Graphic Facilitation for ELT Professionals Facebook Group, where you can share your work and receive feedback from me.

This course has a notional time of 4 hours: one hour of video content, plus time to work on your visual dictionary and complete the reflection tasks.

Drawing is a visual language. Just like learning new vocabulary in English, the more  icons you know how to draw, the easier it is to express yourself. This course will teach you how to draw simple, high frequency icons so you can communicate visually with your learners and engage your audience. Use them in your board work, lesson plans, notes, presentations or flipcharts. Teach your students how to use them in their own notes and course work.

This module will get you ready for my ‘Intro to Graphic Facilitation for ELT’ and ‘Sensational Sketchnoting’ Modules.