Emily Bryson ELT

Transformational Online Courses
for ELT Professionals!

As featured in…

Do you want to do something a little different?

Would you like to stand out from the crowd?

Kickstart your ELT professional development the fun, creative and unique way!

My courses will help you stand out from the crowd.

Are you...?

…struggling to find quick & simple ways to engage your audience?
…wanting to make your lessons more accessible?
…searching for a fun way to revolutionise your teaching practices?
…looking for practical CPD that you can instantly use?
…bored of writing essays as professional development?
…inspired to learn to draw, get drawing again or use your drawing skills?

I can help you! Book now, or scroll down to find out more.


I'm Emily Bryson. I help ELT professionals to harness their super-powers, engage their audiences and stand out from the crowd.

Emily Bryson ELT sketchnote of the benefits of graphic facilitation, each point has a hand drawn icon. Fun. Revive teaching mojo. supportive. aids memory. relaxing. encourage critical thinking. aid understanding. minimise prep time. reduce processing load. clear communication. concept check. boost creativity. multisensory. copyright free images. supports literacy. = it's a superpower.
Here are just some of the ways graphic facilitation should wear a cape and fly!

Let me introduce myself.

I am an ELT author, materials writer, ESOL lecturer, teacher trainer and graphic facilitator. I have 20 years experience in ELT.

I was first introduced to graphic facilitation techniques whilst on secondment at the Scottish Refugee Council. Their training manager used lots of innovative visual tools and collaborative tasks which I’d never seen before in all my ELT training and experience. On my return to the college, I attended a training session with a graphic facilitator who showed me how to draw very simple representations of classroom items to communicate with learners. I was immediately hooked.

Since then, I’ve realised that graphic facilitation is an untapped superpower. I’ve obsessively read as many books, taken as many courses, followed as many experts on social media and studied any research papers I can find.

My classroom, training sessions, writing and even my action research mentoring have become spaces to trial new activities and techniques.

In a nutshell, it works. It’s versatile, communicative, supportive, accessible and is a simple way to amaze people.

I can help you. I’ve recently started sharing my secrets. I now offer online courses and bespoke training.

Read on to find out more and feel free to get in touch with any questions. I’d love to hear from you.

Module 1: Build your Visual Vocabulary

This is the first module in my Graphic Facilitation for ELT Professionals series.

In this module, you’ll develop your visual vocabulary to gain confidence drawing simple icons. This is where the magic starts! 

A visual vocabulary is similar to any linguistic vocabulary. It’s learned over time. When we learn another language, we learn new words. When we learn to draw, we learn to draw new icons. Each icon you learn to draw is part of your visual vocabulary. And the bigger your visual vocabulary, the easier it is to communicate visually and create fun, engaging, minimal preparation activities! Get started with this module today!

Module 2: Introduction to Graphic Facilitation for ELT

This is the second module in my Graphic Facilitation for ELT Professionals series.

In this module, you’ll use your visual vocabulary to create tailored, engaging and accessible teaching tools. These visuals can be reused, repurposed and drawn whenever you may need this. Reducing your prep time forever!

Lessons include: 

1. What is Graphic Facilitation?

2. Graphic Facilitation tools

3. Pens, pens, pens

4. Introduction to Visual Templates

5. Introduction to Visual Capture Sheets

6. Editing your work

7. Story Graphs

8. Grammar

9. Further reading

10. BONUS lesson! Making .gifs

11. Feedback and certificate

You will also receive exclusive access to the Graphic Facilitation for ELT Professionals Facebook Group, where you can share your work, be inspired by others and receive feedback from me.

The course has a notional time of 15-20 hours. The longer you spend creating your own visuals, the more you will get out of this course. 

I recommend completing the Build your Visual Vocabulary module before you get started on this, unless you’re already confident with drawing simple icons. 

Module 3: Sensational Sketchnoting

This is the third module in my Graphic Facilitation for ELT Professionals series. In this module, you’ll be introduced to the visual recording technique of sketchnoting. Get started adding magic to your notebooks today!

You’ll get to use your visual vocabulary to supercharge your notetaking skills and communicate information in an engaging, accessible way. This technique will boost your listening skills, deepen your focus and help you remember and process information in a transformational way! It’ll also make your whiteboards shine and help you create new ways to visually convey complex information to students. 

Lessons include: 

1. Introduction to Sketchnoting 

2. Tools

3. Vocabulary notes

4. Layouts part 1

5. Layouts part 2

6. Colour and accessibility

7. Banners

8. Icons

9. Getting Creative

10. Final thoughts and Certificate

All participants will gain exclusive access to the Graphic Facilitation for ELT Professionals Facebook Group and can reach me any time with questions or to request feedback. 

The course has a notional time of 8-12 hours but I recommend that practise makes perfect. More practice, more confidence.  

It’s advisable to complete my Build your Visual Vocabulary module before this one as you’ll need to be confident with drawing simple icons.  

If you’d like more information, check out my FREE guide to sketchnoting! Click the image below to download it now!

Need more info? 

Download my FREE e-book on Graphic Facilitation for ELT Professionals! You’ll be added to my mailing list and receive innovative lesson ideas, freebies and exclusive deals. Click the book cover to sign up now. 

Want access for your whole team, 1-2-1 coaching, or bespoke training?

I also offer group discounts on my courses and tailored teacher training sessions, especially for the needs of you and/or your team. Get in touch if you’d like to discuss.  

Emily Bryson ELT bespoke training for your team. Teacher training.
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Emily Bryson ELT 121 coaching in graphic facilitation for ELT professionals
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