Emily Bryson ELT

Publications and Media

My Books (so far)

Front cover of e-book entitled 'Hands Up for Peace: Infinite Classroom Activities in your hands'
All proceeds go to The Hands Up Project to support the education of children in Gaza.
Front cover of The Growth Garden: Cultivate your Seeds for Success! by Emily Bryson ELT. The image shows a hand drawn garden with sunflowers, a sun, clouds, marigolds, a bee, a caterpiller and a snail.
Pin down your goals, explore your reality, consider your options, plan your way forward and thrive with this unique visual template.
Front cover of teaching resource pack by Emily Bryson. Title: Pathways to Success: Visual Tools for Goal-Setting, Self-Evaluation & Porgession. The cover illustration shows a mountain with people finding different ways to get to the top (e.g. a hot air balloon, a cable car, a bike, etc).
A versatile resource pack to support students, teachers, schools and teaching teams towards success. One template, infinite uses!

Click the images to find out more and purchase each title.

Some of my videos, webinars and podcasts.

Storytelling the hand drawn way! Using my visual vcoabulary to add meaning and magic to story telling in the English language classroom. 

I was asked to explain the term ‘Graphic Facilitation’ at the ELT Freelancers Awayday. I couldn’t make it in person, so I made this video. 

ESL Breakroom

Chatting to Suzanne Nally about using Graphic Facilitation techniques with business English students. This session is full of practical ideas and shares how to draw selected icons for business students.  

#Elliicon2022 conference

If you missed the awesome Ellii conference, you can catch up here. This session will introduce you to basic graphic facilitation techniques for use in your English language classroom. You’ll also get a chance to practice a few simple icons. 

Chatting to Laura Wilkes about how to use graphic facilitation skills for a positive impact on learning. I also share some simple doodles and activities that any English language teacher can use.

The ELT Sponge podcasts explores opportunities for English language teachers. Here I chat to James Fuller about my ELT journey so far. From YL teacher in South Korea, to ESOL Development Officer at Education Scotland, to Peer Education Programme manager at Scottish Refugee Council to authoring coursebooks, blogging and training ELT professionals in graphic facilitation. 

Chatting to Harry Waters on his  Teachers Talk Radio podcast about life, giant redwoods and all things ELT. Listen here, or download the podcast from your favourite podcast player. 

Rachael Roberts on LinkedIn Live

Chatting to Rachael Roberts on LinkedIn Live about graphic facilitation, owning my own business, online courses, teacher training, teaching and much more. You’ll need to login to your LinkedIn account to access this one. But it’s worth it! 😉

National Geographic Learning - Teaching through Crisis series

The first in the series of Facebook Live events covering a range of refugee related topics. In this video, I’m honoured to chat with Paul Dummett about Supporting Learners from Refugee Backgrounds. 

Other sessions include:

  • Katherine Bilsborough – Incorporating Refugee Matters into the English Language Classroom
  • Aleks Palanac – Teaching Trauma Experienced Learners
  • Lora Agbaso – Forced displacement. Trauma. Can ESOL provide an effective relief?
  • Emily Wilson – Teaching learners in refugee camps
  • Polly Akhurst, Holli Ghaisen, Rania Dadoud – Providing high quality learning to refugee youths globally

Access them via the NGL Teaching through Crisis site or the National Geographic Learning Facebook page

Welcoming Refugees to the English Language Classroom - Twinkl webinar

This webinar is designed to support teachers to welcome international arrivals into the English language classroom. Four experts share their tips and experiences of supporting learners from refugee backgrounds. Experts include: Anna Karanikola, Maria Zaheer, Ruth Finnie and Miranda Crawhurst

Check out my courses!

Are you an English language teacher or ELT Professional? 

Are you looking for innovative professional development which will supercharge your teaching? 

Are you bored of learning the traditional way and looking for something different? 

You’re in the right place! 

Every one of my courses has been carefully created to supercharge your teaching in a unique, visually engaging way. 

You’ll unleash the superpower of communicating visually through simple drawings whilst developing all the regular skills ELT professionals need: grammar, vocabulary, spelling, communication, critical thinking, etc. 

My courses have been described as ‘the nicest corner of the internet’ and ‘perfect to study on the beach’! Now I challenge you to find a more exciting and fun course to do!


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Emily Bryson - ELT Specialist: Author, Materials Writer, Teacher Trainer, Graphic Facilitator, ESOL Lecturer