Feedback comes in many forms. But the best is a fairy!
Feedback is crucial for developing high quality learning experiences. As a materials writer, I value the editorial process because it helps me develop my content from first to final draft. As a teacher, I encourage my students to tell me how they feel about the content of my lessons, and what I can do to support their learning. As a teacher trainer, I am always keen to hear what participants thought of my session so I can make changes the next time I deliver it.
Feedback comes in many forms. Pun intended. It’s true, often feedback comes in the form of a form. Survey Monkey and Google Forms are the ‘go to’.
As a graphic facilitator, I can tell you that there are much more creative (and fun) ways of receiving feedback. In this post, I’d like to share with you to one of those methods.
Let me introduce the Feedback Fairy.
Visual capture sheet inspired by Martha Harding at Scottish Refugee Council.
I was first introduced to the Feedback Fairy by Martha Harding while I was on secondment at the Scottish Refugee Council. Martha had lots of cool ideas for facilitating sessions, and I added this one to my toolkit. I drew this version for the Sharing Lives Sharing Languages project that I was managing at the time.
The feedback fairy is best used as a flipchart, and participants add post-it comments in the various sections. You can do this online using the annotation tools in Zoom or using post-its in Jamboard. If you want individual feedback, you could photocopy one per participant.
Participants are guided to consider:
Heart – things they loved
Toolkit – tools, resources or activities they’d take away
Speech bubble – things they’d tell others
Brain – things they thought or learned
Wand – things they wished had been included
Bin – things they didn’t like
For my first cohort of Engaging Learners with Simple Drawings participants, it was a no-brainer to use the feedback fairy. But since the course focus was on drawings, I did something a little different.
I asked them to draw their own feedback fairies.
I’d like to share some of them here with you. I was blown away by the creativity, skill and imagination. And how much they all loved the course!

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Feedback comes in many forms. But the best is a fairy! Read More »