Thank you for your interest in this Emily Bryson ELT course. Before purchasing, please read and agree to the terms and conditions.
Service provided:
Online courses, workshops and group programmes – these consist of videos, visuals and content to help you develop your teaching practices. The length and content of the learning experience is provided in the course description. Please read this carefully before signing up. Each online course offers exclusive access to the Graphic Facilitation for ELT Facebook Group. This group is only for participants and alumni of EmilyBrysonELT courses.
Facebook Group: Participants are encouraged to share their work in the Graphic Facilitation for ELT Facebook Group, and give positive and encouraging feedback to other participants. Emily Bryson will monitor the discussions and provide regular feedback. If Emily cannot do this (e.g. due to holiday or illness) she will notify course users and do so as soon as she can.
The Facebook Group is a safe space. All users must respect each other. Any work posted there must not be shared without the permission of the creator. For example, if a course participant creates a lesson using the icons within this course, another participant cannot share it on social media or use it in their own class without asking permission or crediting the creator.
Payment: Payment is taken online, in advance, using web enabled transactions.
Course Access: Participants have ‘lifetime’ access to the course. ‘Lifetime’ relates to the duration of the course being available on Emily Bryson ELT. It is intended that this course will be available for a number of years,. Emily Bryson reserves the right to amend, update or remove the course at any time.
Refunds and cancellation: I am happy to issue refunds for 14 days after the payment.
For the asynchronous online courses, in order to qualify for a refund you must have completed less than 10% of the course. To request a refund, please contact me using the website contact form.
For ‘live’ webinars, refunds can only be issued BEFORE the scheduled time of the session.
Complaints: If you have any questions or complaints, please contact Emily Bryson ELT using the contact form on this website.
Intellectual Property All content within this course (e.g. videos, images, text) is the copyright of Emily Bryson ELT. It should not be shared, copied, used or published without permission.
Emily Bryson ELT encourage participants to share their creations (e.g. resources, whiteboards, lesson plans) inspired by this course on social media tagging @EmilyBrysonELT. Please be respectful to make this work YOUR own. For example, whole pages of drawing practise icons from visual dictionaries should not be shared.
Thank you and enjoy your learning experience!